Summer activities at Shine Village

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August 2015

Shine hosted a number of activities during the Summer at our new resources centre. One of the projects focused on a group of 30 girls from across the area. The project organised by Claire and Joanna, visiting students from Emmanuel International Malawi, inspired many of our girls to follow Jesus.

The students organised all their own supplies to host a special themed programme throughout the week which included bible based crafts and sports. Their home church – Bishops Offley Methodist Chapel, Stafford, UK greatly assisted them with their fundraising efforts which paid for a mountain of supplies which they carried in their luggage.

Suzen commented”Our girls were greatly blessed through the activities during the week and we are very grateful to everyone who supported this awesome outreach. It has had a lasting impact on the lives of all those who attended and volunteered during the week.”

To read more about this amazing week at Shine Village check out here!

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