
Your donation helps us continue the work we do in Malawi.

Regular giving helps Shine to plan for the future

Set up your own Standing order at any time with your bank or contact our office for a form.

Help with education through a regular monthly donation of £10

It’s easy to make a one-off donation donate online or at your local branch- please contact Shine Office for account details.

Mydonate For donations in foreign currencies and UK pounds

A small percentage of any online gift will be levied by the transaction handler. If you would like the entirety of your gift to go to Shine please set up a standing order using online banking, or by post using our downloadable Standing Order form.

Cheque – please make payable to Shine Relief Trust

If you are a UK taxpayer download a Gift Aid form, complete the Gift Aid section and return. Shine Relief will process it for you. 25p can be reclaimed from the government for every £1 donation, increasing the value of your gift.

Thank you for your generosity, and do contact us if we can help further.