The Heart and Soul Night

The Shine Phwando this year themed The Heart and Soul Night, was held for the second year in the newly refurbished Pavilion Suite at Lazaat Hotel. 130 guests some traveling from as far as London, Nottingham and Buckingham gathered together to enjoy some great entertainment and food whilst raising funds for Shine Relief Trust.

Our lovely hostesses Hannah and Zipporah clad in well styled outfits welcomed everyone and soon after invited The Company to take the stage. The neo-soul band from Hull would not disappoint as they performed their hit songs while seemingly sending the crowd into a moment of reflection.


Joy Swaks, the composer of the Shine theme song was next on stage. The singer/songwriter from Hull born in South Africa, specializes in soul influenced by jazz, RnB, and gospel.

Brian Mak concluded the line-up, wowing the crowd to their feet with his upbeat tempo Malawian Gospel beats. His music career spans over 20 years; he is the founder and lead singer of the mighty Divine Providence Band. Now resident here in the UK, he is a firm supporter of the Shine Relief work and travelled all the way from London to be a part of our evening.

The night was punctuated by guests enjoying their dinner, a ‘heads or tails’ game, a speech by one of Shine Relief’s founders, Philip Irvin and off course the main act of the day, the auction of items to raise funds.

The total amount raised so far is £1,260.81.


A big thank you to the following organizations for kindly donating some of the auction items

Lloyds hair and beauty Hull

Tony n Guy Paragon Street Hull

Prince of India Cottingham




Jan McGowan bracelets

Hampers, paintings and other items given by Shine supporters.

Orange Blossom Cottingham for the discounted flowers


With so many people taking part in and attending our event we are very hopeful that our fundraising target of £20,000 needed to complete Phase one of Shine Village will soon be achieved. Philip shared Deborah’s story and illustrated just how far a donation to Shine can go towards realising the hopes of children in Malawi-

Sending a child to school for a month costs just £7 and to feed a child for a month costs just £2.  Partnering with Shine through regular monthly giving or a one off donation will help release more of our unrestricted funds to ensure Phase One is completed. Gifts towards Phase One building fund will be used to ensure water, solar power, internal fixtures and fittings, a guard house and security are all completed. Gift Aid adds another 25p to every pound you give and is very easy for us to collect if you are a tax payer.

Together we have already made such a big difference and as more people get involved we know this first stage will soon be completed. Shine is already working with USAID to provide a clinic in the area. The resource centre will attract many other organisations who will use our facilities to reach out to the community. We pray that guests will continue to get creative with their own fundraising ideas

We are grateful for everyone’s support in making this our 4th annual fundraiser a great success. We would also like to thank our guest musicians who did a splendid job of keeping us entertained, our hosts Hannah and Zipporah for steering the night like the professionals they are, Pastor Banda, our trustees and each and every one of the guests for taking time out to attend this special event. Last but not least we want to thank Debbie and Phil Irvin for the amazing work they continue to do along with Hastings and Suzen Zidana and their wonderful team in Malawi.


God Bless You






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