9 mile walk to Spurn Lighthouse!
Yes, it’s been another wet and wild walk, challenging especially for those who chose to take it a step further carrying water containers, baskets of fruit and for some going barefooted!
Breaking into three teams each participant had the opportunity to experience something of life in Malawi. Without shoes and carrying supplies in the pouring rain; 2 hours walking was a challenge, but thankfully the clouds dispersed and most were able to enjoy the incredible views from the lighthouse before making the return 90 minute walk – it was well worth the extra 145 steps to the top!
Congratulations especially to Amy and Bennie our top fundraisers, who along with Phil ( Shine Co- founder ) did the walk barefoot! The girls, who traveled up from Nottingham and London for the event, raised over £1,480 and agreed it was an an awesome experience and a great way to meet new people!
Special thanks to Yorkshire Wildlife Trust for helping to organise this incredible event up to the top of the lighthouse -such amazing views – We let our light SHINE! A big thank you as well to Alison our very lovely lighthouse keeper!
And finally, many thanks to all who 🚶in the
🌧carrying lunch
🍍 especially to Joshua and Shirley aged 9 and 70 who were the youngest and oldest walkers, and a big thank you to all who sponsored our team of walkers – we are now over £3,000!!this is incredible and we are so so grateful.
To donate to any fundraiser please visit: https://www.justgiving.com/campaigns/charity/shine.relief.trust/shinealight2017
For more details visit http://www.ywt.org.uk/visit-spurn-lighthouse