ShineRelief International trustees make a special trip to Mikolongwe Vocational School in Blantyre!
On 12th July, Lynley from Shine New Zealand and Debbie from Shine UK traveled to the far side of Blantyre, down many bumpy dirt tracks, to eventually reach Mikolongwe Vocational School and visit our two College students. This was a special moment for both parties, more especially for Lynley since it was her first time meeting the boys. Due to lack of financial support to go to school Shine Relief Trust took up their case back in 2013 and of supported them in secondary school since form one. Masongola Secondary school encouraged these very hard working students and against all odds they scored 22 and 23 points in their MSCE exams. As a result, Shine proceeded to help these two boys earn a place at Mikolongwe Vocational Training School in Chiradzulu where they are furthering their studies in electrical installation and renewable energy. The boys were very thankful to God for meeting the people that are making sure the support continues to keep them in school.
Funds given recently by Shine supporters enabled two boys to acquire new blankets, replacing the old ones which had become threadbare. Students do not have support coming from home, as many are orphaned at a young age and living with elderly grandparents or on their own. Shine has to help with these costs too. Over the holiday, a student sadly lost his grandfather which was his only relative. Shine was able to stand in the gap, providing both material and spiritual support. The visits made are definitely worth the long bumpy journey, as the students are so encouraged and continue to work hard in class and other extracurricular activities. It is simply thanks to the support of our generous supporters that we can increase the help we give to these young people in this way.
Anthony Zidana 2017
During times of crisis, education helps children cope with trauma by providing them with a sense of routine and normalcy.
Please consider supporting this work by setting up a Standing order which will help Shine to plan for the increasing number of students each year.
Students in 2013/2014 All the praise be to God for sending Shine Relief Trust to us in a time of emergency as this, we would have been home like most of our friends hopeless, drinking, smoking and with no education. We are the proof of the power of God’s love. We owe him everything.
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