Shine a light appeal

“Shine a light 2016 ” reached our £1,000 target needed to feed and support children on our feeding program across Kuntumanji

Shine a light 2017 aims to raise funds to support activities at Shine Village. Due to increasing numbers, Shine Early Years desperately needs resources – just £45 could support a child for a FULL YEAR and £40 could buy 10 chairs and £80 could buy 5 tables.

Donate by text –  Text SHNE02 £10 to 70070 to donate

Help fundraise – set up a fundraising page through Just Giving here 

Below are examples of the items which you can help provide

£8 could provide porridge for 2 children for one month at Shine Village

£8 could provide a bible

£15 could buy a family bag of maize lasting 4-5 weeks

£20 could support a student’s monthly school fees, groceries, uniform & travel expenses

£45 could support a child for a FULL YEAR

£40 could buy 10 chairs

£80 could buy 5 tables.

Gift of love  Make a donation between February 2nd- April 9th and receive a “gift of love card”  to send to someone celebrating a special occasion amounts start at £4 Hurry and Shop here!

shine a light FEB poster








See how your support is helping young people – view video 



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