Host a BBQ for Shine this Summer, have fun, socialise and raise funds.
People all over the world love to gather around food cooked over an open fire, roasting meat, fish etc. For some of us it’s a bit of fun and for others, it’s the only option for cooking food, but we all enjoy the occasion. In Shines area, most food is cooked over open fires and with the search for wood and charcoal being a daily challenge, Shine is committed to sustainable cooking methods and training those in our care.
Consider a BBQ for Shine this summer and help us provide food and resources for Shine Village to support families in our region.
5 easy steps to join our nationwide Summer Shine BBQ
1. Register your event
To receive your free Shine BBQ pack will need to register your email
NB – if you wish to design your own Teeshirt – enter our “Design a Tee” DesignaTeefundraising (for fundraisers who raise over £50 this summer)
3. Plan your party!
We have left the food planning to you, but suggest you ask a local butcher for a deal/guests to make food contributions to lighten your load. On your flashdrive you will find everything you need to get as many people as you are comfortable with to your event. There are movies and music, games and recipes all for free! The flashdrive is also a bottle opener too!
We recommend that you share details of our textgiving code to allow people to donate by text- for those who can’t attend they may still wish to contribute of food and make a small donation by text.
4. Host your BBQ
Ask your guests to make a donation on entry- we suggest £5 if you provide food/ £2 if they bring their own.
Enjoy the music and hopefully the sunshine! Play the games, watch the movies and raise more funds if you can!
Make sure you explain what the BBQ is about “Realising the hopes of children in Malawi” If you are able to raise £50 ( takes only need 10 guests donating £5 each ) you will help us greatly towards reaching our summer target to support vulnerable children at Shine Village.
If you miss the English summer and cant do a BBQ don’t worry- turn the event into a Shine Supper or a Malawi Lunch/Dinner/ Evening. Ask your church or community center if you can use a room large enough to show the film and recruit a small team to organise some food. Keep it simple and charge accordingly. If you want, ask people to bring a dish and provide the drinks and fruit/ ice-cream. The main thing is to have fun – why not have an African dance competition? – check out the fundraising ideas sheet.
PS please send us your photos and feel free to send any articles for our updates!