10th Anniversary celebration

October 27th 2018


Shine 10th Anniversary event, held at the Kingsley Suite Hull University, was a very special night for co-founders Phil and Deborah Irvin.

” We were really looking forward to getting together with all those who have made Shine in Malawi all that it is today and it was such a wonderful night, to connect with supporters, friends and some new faces. ”

Chairman, Phil Irvin, shared the future plans for the charity which includes a new project aimed at generating income actually from the land owned by Shine Relief. Supporters heard about the planned Moringa Tree project were able to try out samples of Moringa oil for themselves! The trust is looking for £25,000 investment to build an oil refinery and to cultivate trees at Shine Village which will bring in a harvest of seeds by 2020. Click here for more details 

Fundraising on the night will be used to buy items for the children’s home.

Co-founders Phil and Deborah with trustees from 2008-2018

Habby Business and Pure Renewables kind sponsors of our event
Shine Early Years sponsorship scheme
Joy Swaks returns to the stage!

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