Summer News

Can you help us reach our target this summer and host a SHINE BBQ?

We are looking to raise £3,000 to help Shine continue its work on the ground in Malawi.

The following areas are in desperate need of support

  1. Shine Church bereaved families –  our small church community at Shine Village has been impacted by the sudden loss of two key members in the past few weeks.
  2. Transport – due to terrible driving conditions vehicles used by Shine suffer a lot of wear and tear. Shine’s car is out of action after a bad accident. We are awaiting the insurance report and in the meantime, we are needing to hire a vehicle. Funds will go towards our transport fund and help to provide a vehicle able to hand the roads.
  3. Hen Project – due to theft we need to replace hens so we can continue to feed our children eggs at Shine Village

Click here if you wish to host an event/BBQ to receive our special Shine Flash drive with all you need – from films to music plus for a limited time free hot sauce!

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